Oracles of Ruin

Praise be the goth chicks in fishnets
Sit laus mulier gothica in veste stupri


Honorary fc house until we acquire our own:
Empyreum Ward 12, Plot 23


A Free Company located on Goblin devoted to inclusion and enjoyment of FFXIV for everyone

We encourage all manner of eorzean citizens to join our little cult, whether you prefer RP, Raiding, PVP, Relic Grinding, Gposing, or just Fishing, you are welcome here. All that I ask is you do not judge someone by how they choose to enjoy this game we all love.

We welcome those not on Goblin to join our discord server and participate in events and hang out with us. You don't have to switch servers to be a kultist <3

FC Hierarchy

Kult Leader - K'halamiti Rhul
Goth Mommy - Mysari Rhul
Ritualist - Our beloved officers
Recruiter - Recruits new members and assists Ritualists with events
Kultist - Standard and most important members
Recruit - Temporary role assigned to all new members aka The Vibe Check


Our leaders of our cult are referred to as ritualists and are in charge of keeping a healthy environment and coordinating events for our kultists,

K'halmaiti Rhul

Kult Leader

Leader of the Oracles of Ruin
Spends time doing RP, PVP, Forays, Gposing, and Raiding
Loves helping others improve <3

Mysari Rhul

Goth Mommy

2nd in Command
Enjoys hanging out and meeting new people
If you can't find her, she's probably fishing

Legato Blu'summers

Raid Ritualist

Short, and angy
Will bite ankles
Needs uppies


Our beloved Khallaborators for events

House Sauveterre

House Sauveterre is a wonderful RP focused fc on Diabolos.
We coordinate with them to have joint events of all kinds.

Khal's Unresticted Alliance Raid

Tuesdays 9pm EST
No Roles, No Rules!
Come as you are and do the raid. 8 DPS? All good! 7 tanks and a DNC as healer? Sounds Great!
